Lee Seung Gi

Lee Seung Gi

Monday 4 June 2012

Speak out my mind

"Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes." - Ephesians 3:20 (LB)

Times are bad and things haven't been going smoothly for my family. It makes me wonder what God's plans are for us and what does He want us to do. These two days I have been pondering on what is my calling. What does God exactly wants me to do? Am I being called to a missionary life to be a nun? Am I grounded to be living a life of my own or is God going to grant me another being to become one in His love to serve Him as a unit?

Then again, He tells us not to question about His plans for us, but put our trust in Him and live according to His will. How easy it is to be said but difficult to put it into actions. Then again, I do not want to be a nun and I have a free will to choose my own path of life. Isn't it? I desire for a physical being to embrace me for who I am and love me as I am in His image, apart from God himself. I want a family of my own and to adopt unfortunate children as my own. I want to lead that kind of life and still be able to serve God wholeheartedly.

It is time for me to have a conflicting conversation with God. He knows my needs and desires.


Last weekend, I went on a 3 days 2 nights trip with Le Crew to Batam. It was one of the best short getaways I have ever been to. Apart from kayaking, canoeing, rafting and etc, it was my first time trying the 'Banana Boat' and the mud bike. It was one of the most fun and relaxing trip I have ever been to with a bunch of amazing friends. We went from massages to shopping like crazy at the Hypermart to chilling out in the Onsen in our Japanese suite to having beers and going for a swim and getting cooked by the scorching Sun. It was an overall awesome trip! <3

Well my next plan will be to travel down-under to Brisbane to visit Sabrina, my dearest sister. I miss her and especially the times when we have our impromptu meet ups for supper, dinner or even just chilling out around our neighborhood.

I also have a few other places in mind that I definitely want to travel to.
The lists to backpack to are as follow:

1) Europe (London, Rome, Italy, Venice, Greece, Barcelona and etc...)
2) Brisbane - to visit Sabrina
3) Korea (Seoul - to visit my friends, Jeju Island and the various Mountains for short hikes!)
4) U.S (NYC, Bahamas, Boston and etc...)
5) Canada, Toronto
6) Hong Kong
7) Bintan
8) Bali
9) Hawaii
10) Switzerland
11) Maldives

I hope I can at least fulfill 4 in the next 3 years.


My birthday wish this year:
1) Whole new set of kitchen cutlery
2) Room makeover - redesign and new set of furniture
3) A new notebook/laptop
4) A new home ceiling fan for the living room
5) A new dining table
6) A washing machine                  and;

That's all for today folks. :) Sweet dreams! Goodnight! God bless!

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